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      As the largest land dwelling salamander on Earth (Tiger Salamander, 2014), the California Tiger Salamander plays a major role in the food chain. The California Tiger Salamander is a secondary consumer. As

shown by the image at right, the California

Tiger Salamander eats a variety of animals

and is right in the epicenter of a complex

food chain. The California Tiger Salamander

fills a major ecological niche of keeping the

food chain balanced and other species’

population stocks in check. As shown by the

diagram at right, animals ranging from small

mice to coyotes to fish rely on the California

Tiger Salamander. The California Tiger

Salamanders play an invaluable role in

regulating the cycle and balance of nature.


      Due to their secretive lifestyle, relatively

little information is known about the

California Tiger Salamander. For many

scientists, components of their biology,

ecology, and lifestyle still remain a mystery. This means that there are still many benefits the California Tiger Salamander provides that has not been uncovered yet. This reason alone makes the conservation of the salamander population an even more dire priority.  



Anchor 1

An Invaluable Niche


© 2015 by Studies of Envrionment Academy-Drake Integrated Studies Curricula (SEA-DISC)

Sir Francis Drake High School, San Anselmo, CA


Website content and design by:

Art, Rose, & Julia 


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