California Tiger
Ambystoma tigrinum

The California Tiger Salamanders population is steadily declining, but there is still hope. By taking action, you as an individual have the power to help save the amazing California Tiger Salamander. Below is a list of 15 things you can do to save the salamanders today!

Learn where the natural habitats are in your community and then try to work with the town conservation commission, conservation authority, or department of parks and recreation to promote the conservation and understanding of the parks, ponds, and wetlands in your town.
2. Protect your town's natural habitats so California Tiger Salamander can have a home.
3. Restrict the use of motor boats whenever possible and use paddle boats instead.
Propellers can seriously injure or kill salamanders. Oil and chemicals left behind from motors can also be extremely detrimental to salamanders health.
4. Be respectful to California Tiger Salamander habitat
When out in natural areas that salamanders inhabit be respectful to their homes. Make sure hikers and bikers are aware of their existence. Also, try not to disturb vernal pool areas when they are inundated, there may be salamander eggs in the water and they will die if stepped on.
5. Conserve water!
Salamanders are dependent on this precious resource and in California, using too much water reduces available water for the salamanders. Many municipalities, cities, and villages get their water supply by diverting it from natural sources. This consumption of water can have extreme negative effects on salamanders. Do not leave taps running while shaving, brushing teeth, etc. Reduce shower times to further conserve water. Also use rain barrels around your property to reuse the water for your plants and gardens.
6. Avoid fishing in areas dense with salamanders.
Many salamanders can be accidentally snagged on fishing lines, which can destroy their gills during the larval stage.
7. Do not catch salamanders from the wild to keep as pets.
As cute as California Tiger Salamanders are, they are much happier to be left flourishing in the wild. Removing individuals can seriously harm the natural populations. If you really love these animals you will leave them in the wild where they belong!
8. Don't purchase sunscreens or insect repellents containing DEET.
DEET, found in most insect repellents, is extremely harmful to amphibians. Their permeable skin that can easily absorb such toxic chemicals. Instead of poison bug repellent, wear bug jackets, light long sleeved shirts, hats, and sunglasses to protect against insects and sunburn. This will eliminate the need to dose with various chemicals before heading out into environments where amphibians are found.
9. Steer clear of rat-poisons, chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other chemicals around your home.
These chemicals often run off into nearby wetlands and forests. Here they can be absorbed into the salamanders permeable skin and kill them. Chemicals also cause deformities in salamanders. Be kind to the salamanders and use environmentally friendly organic products around the home and in the garden.
10. Avoid touching salamanders with your bare hands!
California Tiger Salamander’s have very absorbent skin and the oils and salts from human hands can seriously harm them. Though it is hard, try to look but not touch! If you can't resist, use chemical free gloves to handle the salamander so toxins from your skin won't harm them.
11. Educate friends & family about the California Tiger Salamander!
Share this website on your own blog, Facebook, and Twitter! Write to your elected officials about your concerns so they can create policy to better protect California Tiger Salamanders. Let them know about the threats and what we can do to help!
Click here to send an email to California's Senator Barbara Boxer!
1. Donate to organizations dedicated to the protection of the California Tiger Salamander.
Many national organizations are working towards increasing protection for the California Tiger Salamander & raising awareness about its endangerement. Whether you can give $3.00 or $1,000, every bit helps!
Click a logo to the left to donate to the according organization.
Even your signature can save their lives. Take a minute of your time to save the California Tiger Salamander for years to come.
Click here to sign a petition!
12. Sign petitions to protect land the California Tiger Salamander lives on.
Greenhouse gases are the cause of global climate change, which is the biggest threat to California Tiger Salamanders! By reducing emissions in your everyday life, like changing your lightbulbs to LED or walking instead of driving, you can help ensure these animals survive.
13. Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
14. Recycle and buy sustainable products.
One of the most harmful things to California Tiger Salamanders is deforestation. To prevent this from happening, you can buy recycled paper, sustainable products like bamboo and Forest Stewardship Council wood products to protect forest species. Ultimately, you vote with your wallet. Tell big corporations you are not ok with what they are doing to the Salamanders.
A staggering 80% of deforestation is caused by raising livestock (Felsinger, 2009). By reducing your meat consumption, less forest will be destroyed each year and the California Tiger Salamander can thrive in their natural habitat without disturbance.
16. Reduce your consumption of meat!